To summarize that - nothing really changed. And it seems that words of Ryan Holiday doesn’t affect me so much.
In the same time, I like to watch youtube videos about productivity, different notes making systems, cognitive life hacks and so on (By the way, currently I’m interesting in Ali Abdaal’s video, it is really interesting view and a lot of useful information. You can check it via link). So in one of the videos I saw a book by Austin Cleon “Show your work”. In the past I’ve heard about it, but I thoroughly tried to avoid reading it. I thought (because of it’s cover and format) that it is one more stupid book with obvious things which worth nothing. But after Ali Abdaal’s words about this book (link for that
video) I decided to give a chance to it. And how I was wrong in the past.
It is really nice book if you already thought to start a blog, or online shop or just show what you do in the internet but afraid of it. If you shying to be seen by your colleagues, friends or relatives and afraid to hear nasty comments from them, this book for you. If you think that you content is not so professional, this book is for you.
Hire are just some thoughts from that book, that was stuck in my brain. Sorry, I’ve read it in my native language, so translation can be not so clear. ( Please read this book, it is small and anyway it will affect you different way )